
Philippians 2:1-5
Loving Others

Paul expresses that if there was one thing u should get out of following Jesus, it would be a heart for others. I like the way the Message bible puts it: "If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life…" The one miracle, the one revelation we desperatly need is having a heart for people. Jesus said "loving others is identifies us as disciples". Loving people and developing a heart for the Harvest field isn't something we can ignore or bypass in our salvation. It is nessessary! It is a quality of heart we must have in order to do the Will of God for our lives. Paul is doing more than just giving us some spiritual wisdom on people skills. This is something he lived & experienced himself. God took Paul as an extreme case to make a point for believers today. If God can give Paul a heart for people, God can do the same with us.