TROUBLE IN RELATIONSHIPS?...THE PROBLEM MIGHT BE YOU! (Part 2) At least I would like you to give consideration to this possibility. Contention, conflict, anger and un-forgiveness are all traits found in many people’s lives today. We try and mask them, but they are there. There are so many people in conflict today, people who dis-like people and take steps to separate relationally. More and more people are isolated purposefully than ever before. We have fewer friends and close relationships. We would like to to say that it’s always everyone else’s fault but it reality it might be us. Take time today to take inventory of your relationships. Maybe you need to take steps to forgive, reconcile and repair some damage that has been done. It pays rich dividends to humble yourself in order to apologize and heal a friendship that is in need of it. [Proverbs 17:17] “A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES, and a brother is born for adversity.” This implies that friendships are going to hit some rough patches...and the love of friendship is going to have to survive offenses, misunderstandings and the challenges that naturally come to any relationship. So, work at it, don’t allow drift to set in. The answer is not to sever but to repair. TROUBLE IN RELATIONSHIPS? THE PROBLEM MIGHT BE YOU! At least take time to consider the possibility and then take the steps necessary to heal.