MAKE THE HARD DECISIONS, DON’T AVOID THEM. Many decisions we will have to make in life can be described as such. They will require sacrifice, they may demand humility, it may be an area of obedience that you have been resisting for long time. Abraham had a hard decision to make. One day, out of nowhere...God appeared and challenged him in a way he had never been challenged before. To sacrifice what he loved the most. [Genesis 22:2] “Then The Lord said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” HARD DECISION TIME! The amazing thing about the story is that throughout the discourse there is no record of Abraham’s struggle, resistance, or anguish over the command of God. He may have had all the mind battles that we imagine we would go through. The reality is, they are irrelevant. All the excuses, reasons and rationalizations are meaningless in light of the challenge we have to obey God. THE STORY IS ABOUT ONE THING: OBEDIENCE. It was a HARD DECISION, HE MADE IT! That’s it! You may be faced today with a hard decision. It may be to reconcile a broken relationship, it will require humility on your part, taking the first step. As, mentioned it may be an area of obedience, that up until now, you have been resisting. Ponder this today, examine your heart and see if TODAY WILL BE A DAY YOU NEED TO MAKE A HARD DECISION, DON’T AVOID IT!