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That is a nice word of encouragement, we hear it from our bosses, our parents, perhaps from a teacher at school or from a colleague or leader. WE CAN ALSO HEAR IT FROM GOD, THROUGH HIS WORD. This is what is said to the FAITHFUL SERVANTS in [Matthew 25:21]. “His lord said to him, ‘WELL DONE, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.“ It’s another way of saying; ‘Good job...keep it up, you’re going to be rewarded’! Doing a good job and being complimented for it is not just a momentary good feeling but it has implications for your destiny. [Ecclesiastes 9:10a] “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might...” It’s all about your attitude and the integrity with which you approach every task you’re challenged with. Your job and working life, the management of your relationships, your ministry and calling are all part of what makes up your work. Take pride in all you do because it is all done as unto The Lord. No matter how small the task or how great the responsibility the eyes of Jesus Christ are on us. Ultimately our calling is to please Him and we will all give an account of how well we did our job during our lifetime. As you begin the day, consider the tasks you will be putting your hand to and commit yourself to do everything with a spirit of excellence. One day, from our Lord and Savior, we will hear the words...’ WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT’. Can you imagine what it will actually be like to hear those words? It’s going to cost us in this life but it will be well worth it in eternity. Make changes if you need to and once you have established a pattern in your life of a job well done.... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!