I WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. That’s the promise of God, not just because it’s a new year starting today but because that is God’s nature. Constant renewal. “Revelation 21:5] “Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make ALL THINGS NEW.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” This verse, of course, is referring to the future....When God will make a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH and the NEW JERUSALEM will come down from heaven. Obviously quite a spectacular occurrence but in reality, it is a CONTINUATION OF WHAT GOD HAS ALWAYS DONE. He is a God of the new. The word means to be fresh, unused, unworn in respect to age. Everything that God does can be made fresh and new every day. [2 Corinthians 5”17] “Whosoever is in Christ is a NEW CREATION...behold all things are BECOME NEW!” This is our daily experience in Christ Jesus...Our relationship with Him is as brand new as the day of our conversion. His promises are new every day, His grace, favor, blessing and oversight of our lives are made new continually. [Lamentations 3:22-23] “Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. THEY ARE NEW EVERY MORNING; Great is Your faithfulness.” A new day, a new week A NEW YEAR, it speaks of the hope we all have that nothing in Christ gets old or worn out. SO AS WE ALL EMBARK ON A NEW YEAR...LET’S KEEP THIS IN MIND. Begin today in prayer, being renewed, refreshed, and restored in the fervent love of Christ Jesus. A new year, with new hope, new promises, new experiences, new victories, new revelation, new guidance and direction. OUR CONFIDENCE IS IN GOD, WHO MAKES ALL THINGS NEW...EVERY DAY...AND EVERY YEAR!