TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO ENCOURAGE YOURSELF IN THE LORD. David, before he was king and after he made some bad decisions found himself without anyone to encourage him when he probably needed it the he did it to himself. Now, that may sound a little odd, but let me explain. He was at a very low point...He made an ill-advised alliance with the Philistines at the time he was fleeing from King Saul, got rejected when he tried to join their army to fight Israel, and if all that wasn’t bad enough when he went home with his men to Ziklag, he found it burned to the ground and all their families were taken captive. Then to top it all off, his men turned on him and were going to stone him. That’s called the lowest of low points. It’s when we need God the most. The consequences of his decisions are coming home to roost. It’s at this point David takes some necessary action: [1 Samuel 30:6] “Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But DAVID ENCOURAGED HIMSELF IN THE LORD HIS GOD”. He did it to himself. We all have the ability to do that and there will be critical moments in life when we must.
How do you encourage yourself? SPEAK TRUTH, God is good, He is in control, and He will provide me with what I need to be victorious. WORSHIP, there is nothing like a few moments of praising God, even if it’s in the midst of a disaster of our own making to revive, refresh and strengthen us. THANKSGIVING. Give thanks to God for His salvation, His love goodness, and oversight of our lives. THANK YOU JESUS for all you are and all you have done. THIS WORKS EVERY TIME. Stop right now and take time to enact this, TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO ENCOURAGE YOURSELF IN THE LORD!