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Cont'd from (Part 3) of Dealing with frustration...

  1. ...see part 1
  2. ...see part 1
  3. ...see part 1
  4. ...see part 1
  5. ...see part 2
  6. ...see part 2
  7. ...see part 3
  8. ...see part 3
  9. ...see part 3
  10. ...see part 3
  11. Get over yourself. That’s one of my wife’s favorite lines...GET OVER YOURSELF. We obsess, and we fixate to the point all we see in life is what is frustrating us. It dominates the landscape and YOU ARE LETTING THIS HAPPEN. Ever heard of GETTING and KEEPING YOUR EYES ON JESUS? [Hebrews 12:2] “...LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The word ‘looking’ in that verse is actually quite a powerful term with a very rich and specific meaning. It means to ‘consider attentively, to turn your eyes AWAY FROM OTHER THINGS and turn them on something else’, AND THAT SOMETHING ELSE IS JESUS! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO DO WHEN THE FRUSTRATIONS OF LIFE ARE RAINING DOWN ON YOU...Get and keep your eyes on Jesus, that’s the best way to get over yourself!
  12. Fix what you can fix. SOME THINGS YOU DON’T HAVE TO REMAIN FRUSTRATED ABOUT...DO SOMETHING TO FIX IT! A leaky faucet, a light switch that doesn’t work, a car that is not quite running right, and a closet that is a disorganized mess. Are you going to set around and be frustrated?... GET OFF YOUR...AND FIX IT. I think a lot of things we’re frustrated with we can do something about. A broken and forgive... Finances that are troubled, obey God and start tithing. I’m sure you can come up with a list of things you can do something about and change some areas of your life.
  13. Live a life of total, complete and absolute surrender. For some of our frustrations, there is no immediate or apparent solution. We live with the unresolved, we have to deal with prayers that haven’t been answered...yet. Remember the piece of wisdom that someone famously wrote: ‘Give me the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’ We would all do well to accept that advice. A life yielded up to God and His will for our lives...TOTAL SURRENDER...NO MATTER WHAT and we will be able to navigate successfully through all of life’s frustrations. ...(To be cont’d)...