(Part 2) Sometimes life is like that. It’s one challenge after another because God’s is seeking to advance His will in your life and accelerate His purpose. [Acts 15:36] “Then after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.” This was after the first missionary journey. Remember, that journey was filled with hardship and persecution along with great successes in establishing the churches. He traveled, or better stated, walked 1,500 miles. Then upon his return, he feels compelled to go back and visit the churches. More of the same. Hardship, persecutions along with continuing to build up existing churches and establish new one’s. On this second missionary journey, he walked over 3,000 miles. ONE HARD DECISION AFTER ANOTHER. We know there is going to be sacrifice with the decisions God challenges us to make. Decisions to leave sin behind, contend for holiness, obey God in our finances, and commit ourselves to tell others about Jesus. Those are a lot of little decisions, but they can be hard and challenging and it’s daily. IT’S ONE AFTER THE OTHER AS WE ARE STRIVING TO DEVELOP A PATTERN OF OBEDIENCE IN OUR LIVES. That is all that the Apostle Paul is doing. It’s all that Abraham did when he made the hard decision to obey God and sacrifice his son Isaac. Paul walked over 10,000 miles in obedience to God’s challenge for his life. One step at a time we obey God and cover the territory that God has laid out before us. So, don’t be surprised if after yesterday’s hard decision you have another one to make today! Don’t ever forget, whether it’s a few steps or 10,000 miles God is in control every step of the way even if those steps are THE HARD DECISIONS. [Psalms 37:23] The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.”